Miss U came to us for the second time as we were closing our Texas Portrait Studio, prior to the final move to Summerville, SC, She wanted to get in just ONE MORE session with us before the distance made it even harder to do.

How old were you are your session? 39
What made you decide to book a session? I wanted to be able to show women that regardless of size and other people's opinion of you; you are a beautiful sexy fierce woman who should be showcased
What was originally holding you back from booking a session? weight and money mainly
What were you most nervous about for your session? Wondering if I was able to pull it all off.
What were you most looking forward to prior to your session? Feelin Sexy!
How did you feel about yourself before your session? "bleh" about sums it up
Describe your experience. It was amazing. The makeup artist did a great job on my hair and makeup and Lisa made me feel at ease, Not to mention Sexy as HELL!
Were you nervous before viewing your images? A little bit
How did you feel about yourself after seeing your images? Amazing!
What were your favorite products? The books for sure
What would you tell anyone interested in, but maybe hesitant, booking a session of their own? Do this you'll feel amazing and will love yourself even more
How as working with Lisa and the makeup artists? So much better than you can imagine.
Will you be doing another session? YES!
Miss U is just beautiful INSIDE AND OUT! We just loved seeing her for both of her sessions with us and look forward to future sessions if we can just get her to come out to Charleston. I keep telling her the beach is calling for her.
If you'd like more information on our sessions or are ready to take the leap, just fill out the form below. Let's set up your complimentary phone consultation to go over all of the details and scheduling. We can't wait to chat with you!